Controls: WASD + mouse; T - pause, SPACE - jump.

Purchasable abilities: Shift - dash, R - saw, Q - boomerang. F - moving turret.

This is a survival game where you shold defense the beacon. If you die, your beacon shield is destroyed, or you click "RESTART" in the menu, all progress will reset and the game will start over. If you simply close the tab and reopen it, your progress will be saved.

There are 20 waves in the game.

This is the first release version published on local browser game platfrom.
Depending on the metrics will be finalized or not.
You can make the game better by sharing feedback.

  1. What wave did you manage to get to?
  2. Is it clear to you from the beginning what is going on and what you need to do?
  3. What do you find uncomfortable about the controls?
  4. Is there an imbalance in the game?
  5. Is something too hard, something too easy?
  6. Have you noticed inconsistencies in the numbers (time, ability parameters, etc.)?
  7. Do you have any other feedback/recommendations?
  8. Describe any bugs you encountered, such as loss of pumping, getting stuck, etc. Try to remember what events/actions happened right before.

NOT implemented:

  • Gun's reloading

Known bugs:

  • Hitpoints (collision areas) monsters
  • It is not quite clear when at what moment the player receives a weapon


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Arena Gameplay